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The student will read, comprehend, and analyze a variety of literary texts including narratives, narrative nonfiction, poetry, and drama. a) Identify author’s main idea and purpose. b) Summarize text relating the supporting details. c) Identify the characteristics that distinguish literary forms. d) Use literary terms in describing and analyzing selections. e) Explain the relationships between and among elements of literature: characters, plot, setting, tone, point of view, and theme. f) Compare and contrast the use of rhyme, rhythm, sound, imagery, and other literary devices to convey a message and elicit the reader’s emotion. g) Analyze the cultural or social function of a literary text. h) Explain the relationship between the author’s style and literary effect. i) Explain the influence of historical context on the form, style, and point of view of a written work. j) Compare and contrast author’s use of literary elements within a variety of genres. k) Analyze how an author’s specific word choices and syntax achieve special effects and support the author’s purpose. l) Make predictions, inferences, draw conclusions, and connect prior knowledge to support reading comprehension. m) Use reading strategies to monitor comprehension throughout the reading process.

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