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Noose Incidents and their Historical Context
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Noose Incidents and their Historical Context


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About This Lesson

The noose, also known as the “hangman’s noose,” has been in the news lately because there have been several noose-related incidents. Recent examples include nooses being found in K-12 public schools and colleges, the U.S. Mint, a construction site and ironically, an exhibit on segregation at the National Museum of African American History & Culture (NMAAHC). The hangman's noose has come to be one of the most powerful visual symbols directed against African American people and evokes racial history, hatred and bigotry. Its origins are connected to the history of lynching in America, particularly in the South after the Civil War, when violence or threats of violence replaced slavery as one of the main forms of social control that white people used against African American people. The surge in recent incidents is disturbing and reflects a general increase of hate symbols.

This lesson on the noose provides an opportunity for:

  • Students to understand the historical and current day use of the hangman’s noose
  • Reflect on the context of the history of lynching in the U.S.
  • Consider the increase of these hate symbols and explore what can be done about it

Check out more free lesson plans and resources on Share My Lesson in American Slavery Lesson Plans: Teaching Hard History Collection.



noose incidents and their historical context.pdf

Lesson Plan
February 13, 2020
476.13 KB


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