Currently a middle school teacher of Mathematics, Grade 6 in Rapides Parish School System, located in Alexandria, Louisiana. I've been a public school educator since 1969. I've worked in the Unified Schools of Racine, Wisconsin (1969 - 1972); St. Bernard Parish School District of Louisiana (1973-1974); Orleans Parish School District (New Orleans, La. 1975- 1998); I retired in 1998, after working in a math tutorial program at Delgado Community College in New Orleans, La.
After Hurricane Katrina, which destroyed my home and everything in it (2005), I relocated to Alexandria, La. I had been a lifelong resident of the Greater New Orleans tri-parish area until then. Because of the shortage of math teachers in the Rapides Parish School System, I was hired in 2006 as a middle school math teacher and remain until today.
My educational training and background include:
B.A. Degree Xavier University of Louisiana (Elementary Grades thru 8) 1969
M.Ed Degree Tulane University of Louisiana (Guidance & Counseling ) 1974
Masters + 30 University of New Orleans (LSU) (Education of the Gifted ) 1985