With more than half a million free lesson plans and resources in every grade and subject, Share My Lesson has everything you need to provide the best education for your students.
Find Resources for Every Grade, Subject and Standard
We’ve created a search experience to get you to the resource you need right now. Looking for a new lesson or idea to teach about ratios, water cycles, diplomacy or journalism? How about a fun lesson on the first 100 days of school or a first person narrative? Whether you are looking for a lesson plan aligned to the Common Core State Standards, Next Generation Science Standards, or a lesson aligned to your state standards in English, math, science or social studies, at Share My Lesson we’ve got you covered. Use the search bar to find a resource on any topic and narrow your results by grade, subject area and standard.
Let Our Team of Experts Recommend Resources
Our team of experts works to curate some of the very best content on Share My Lesson with collections covering a variety of topics that span the curriculum and current events. Need something for an upcoming holiday or historical event? We have a collection for that. Looking for resources to support social and emotional learning? We have collections on SEL, mental health and trauma-informed practices.
Contribute Your Best Work
Share your best work with other educators. Our Share My Lesson community is strong because of our member-created content on the site. Upload your lesson plan, worksheet, PowerPoint, or resource to help your colleagues across the country and around the world. We’re all in this together.
Earn Professional Development Credit
Access free, for-credit webinars live and on demand. We offer high-quality webinars on a variety of topics throughout the year, with each webinar offering a certificate validating your participation. And don’t miss our annual virtual conference that we host every March!
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Earn Professional Development Credit (even on-demand)
Did we mention, free?
Stay Informed on Top-of-Mind Issues and Events
Our news area includes insightful blogs and strategies for teaching current events. Access blog articles by Share My Lesson members and AFT staff, education experts and guest posts from our partner organizations, featuring a wealth of advice and experience on topics important to you. Our “Today’s News, Tomorrow’s Lesson,” or TNTL, provides current events resources so you can bring the news into your classroom. Each TNTL includes an article and essential discussion questions for your students. Our education experts also include related lesson plans and resources on the current event in case you want to dive deeper into the topic.
Grow Your Network / Discuss with Other Educators
Join educators from across the country in communities on topics important to you. Within our communities, you can share ideas, ask questions and find content related to subjects that are important to you.
Discover Original Content from Our Prestigious Partners
We have more than 400 content partners on Share My Lesson contributing several thousand lesson plans and resources—all for free. You will discover resources that span grade levels, subject areas and include interactive games as well as short informational videos. If you find organizations you love, you can follow them for notifications each time they upload new content.
Find Your Local Affiliate Group
Share My Lesson created a personalized space for AFT local unions. These resources have been curated, with the help of local leaders, to serve as your one-stop destination for high-quality, educator-vetted materials. Within this section, you'll find information on how to get involved in the latest union actions, timely resource collections and lessons tailored to meet the particular needs of each locality, and ways to communicate with other union members in your local and across the country.
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- Visit our FAQ page.
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