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Houston Federation of Teachers

18 Members

Houston Federation of Teachers

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About this Affiliate

In 1973, a few teachers in Houston joined together. They wanted to be treated with dignity and respect. They wanted the freedom to teach, the independence to make professional decisions, and the opportunity to allow students to soar. They became the Houston Federation of Teachers.

Today we are larger than all the other educational organizations in Houston combined. When the Federation speaks, people listen. The Houston Federation of Teachers is affiliated with the Texas Federation of Teachers and the American Federation of Teachers giving us a voice in both state and federal levels.

This community will serve as a place for HFT members to access high-quality lesson plans and resources, share ideas, and ask questions.

Upcoming HFT Events

The Houston Federation of Teachers host a variety of meetings, conferences, trainings and professional development opportunities.

HFT United

AFT Trauma Counseling Programs and Services

These AFT-paid trauma counseling sessions with highly trained therapists are completely private and set up to take advantage of the latest communication technologies—phone, text, video and even artificial intelligence. They are free and available to all active working AFT members, including those on leave status.


Claudia J Morales
SML Member
Natalie Dean
SML Affiliate Engagement, AFT