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ENDED - Give Share My Lesson Feedback and You Could Win a T-Shirt

July 28, 2021

ENDED - Give Share My Lesson Feedback and You Could Win a T-Shirt

Take this short survey (less than five minutes to complete) by Aug. 15, and you can enter for a chance to win a Share My Lesson t-shirt that sums up the 2020-21 school year. 


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*** This Promotion Has Ended. ***

Give Us Your Feedback by Aug. 15

We received several requests for the end of the school-year t-shirt featured in Kelly Booz's end of year blog. We heard you! And now, here’s your chance to get your 2020-2021 Share My Lesson School Year T-Shirt.

We are working on updates for the AFT’s Share My Lesson website to make it even easier to find the resources you need most, along with better ways to engage online with the Share My Lesson member community. Just in time for the fall, we have a fresh new look coming your way. 

As part of this update, we want to get your feedback on the features you value most and how we can improve the site.

Take this short survey (less than five minutes to complete) by Aug. 15, and you can enter for a chance to win a Share My Lesson t-shirt that sums up the 2020-21 school year. 

Front of the T-Shirt:

Zooming Through 2021

What a School Year!

Back of the T-Shirt:


You’re on mute. Go on mute. Turn your camera on. Class has started. Sit down. Stop talking. Put your headphones on. Are you paying attention? What is the login? Where is the Zoom link? Let me email the teacher. I’m in the waiting room. We got knocked out of Zoom. The Wi-Fi went out. Do your asynchronous work. Focus on your own work. Listen to your teacher. I’m proud of you. I love you.

Your entry into the giveaway is separate from this survey, so your survey results remain anonymous. The entry code and form are on the final page of the survey.

Be one of the first 25 people to complete the survey, and we will mail the t-shirt to you. If you’re not among the first 25, no problem! We will have a drawing on or before Aug. 20 to mail 50 more t-shirts. 

Take the survey now.

Share My Lesson
The American Federation of Teachers’ Share My Lesson is a free, award-winning community-based site that brings together educators, parents and caregivers, paraprofessionals and school-related personnel, specialized instructional support personnel, union and nonunion members, educational partners,... See More

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