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SDG's Through the Novel Study of "The Blind Side"
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SDG's Through the Novel Study of "The Blind Side"


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Grade Level Grade 10
Resource Type Project Based Learning

About This Lesson

Part 1: Search and Research

Throughout this assignment, students will have to collaborate and communicate to research and present relevant information. They are to cite at least three outside sources to detail the answer to the driving question: one print source, one video source, and one internet source. 

Part 2: Making a Connection

Along with their project, students are to write a PEAS paragraph, drawing connections between their selected prompt and evidence from the novel, thus connecting the text to self, another text, or life/the world. 

Part 3: Presentation

Students must present a community service proposal, including a brief background on the social issue they have chosen, the methods, target audience, goals or expected outcomes, and promotional material they will use to promote the proposal or initiative, and how the UAE works to uplift all people/groups and minimize social injustice.



Grade 10_Unit 1_The Blind Side_Authentic Task.pdf

Project Based Learning
October 13, 2024
211.84 KB


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