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Taylor Swift on stage
#6 News 2023

How Taylor Swift Created an Economic Boom with Her Eras Tour

August 16, 2023

How Taylor Swift Created an Economic Boom with Her Eras Tour

Ask students: How much money did the Era’s Tour make Denver and Cincinnati in local revenue? What are Taylor Swift fan’s called?


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Pop superstar Taylor Swift ended the first U.S. leg of her Eras Tour Wednesday night, leaving American fans waiting until next fall to see the concert that’s turbocharging the economy and capturing the pop culture zeitgeist this summer. Stephanie Sy reflects on the tour and the power of Taylor Swift for our arts and culture series, CANVAS.

For a transcript of this story, click here.

News wrap alternative: Check out recent segments from the NewsHour, and choose the story you’re most interested in watching. You can make a Google doc copy of discussion questions that work for any of the stories here.

Remote video URL

Five Facts

  1. Why are tickets to see Taylor Swift so expensive, according to this story?
  2. How much money did the Era’s Tour make Denver and Cincinnati in local revenue?
  3. Who is Mara Klaunig?
  4. What are Taylor Swift fan’s called?
  5. Where was Taylor Swift’s first concert of her Era’s Tour?

Focus Questions

How did the demand for Taylor Swift tickets lead to government action? Do you think the government should regulate or try to control ticket sale prices?

News analysis: Why do you think the producers of the NewsHour thought this story was important?

Alternative: See, Think, Wonder: What did you notice? What did the story make you think? What story would you want to find out more about? Where would you go to learn more?

For More

What students can do: Discuss with a friend, neighbor or classmate — why do you think so many people are fans of Taylor Swift?

Student Video of the Day (August 2, 2023)

Remote video URL

Republished with permission from PBS NewsHour Classroom.

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PBS NewsHour Classroom
PBS NewsHour Classroom helps teachers and students identify the who, what, where and why-it-matters of the major national and international news stories. The site combines the best of NewsHour's reliable, trustworthy news program with lesson plans developed specifically for... See More

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