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March 12, 2019 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM EDT

Understanding and Engaging Newcomer Students in the Secondary Classroom


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Understanding and Engaging Newcomer Students in the Secondary Classroom


March 12, 2019 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM EDT






About This Webinar

Join Annie Laurie Duguay from the Center for Applied Linguistics, and Share My Lesson in this lesson on newcomer youth entering the U.S. schools and how to address the cultural, social, and academic needs of these students to help them succeed in the classroom and beyond.

Given the increasing tide of newcomer youth entering U.S. schools, it is critical to address the cultural, social, and academic needs of these students to help them succeed in the classroom and beyond. In particular, newcomer students at the secondary level bring authentic skills, additional language proficiencies, learning patterns, and background knowledge that can be leveraged to promote their English language development as well as literacy skills (DeCapua & Marshall, 2011).

For secondary newcomer students, whether arriving as unaccompanied youth, as refugees, or with their immigrant families, they may or may not have gaps in their formal education or lack literacy in their first language. Due to these learning challenges, as well as the sometimes mismatch between their age and skill level, secondary newcomers have educational needs that go beyond the traditional training that many secondary teachers have had. Through video and interactive participation, attendees will learn more about the profiles of newcomers in U.S. schools and view effective approaches and instructional strategies for developing the language and literacy skills of newcomers in the secondary content classroom.


Annie Laurie Duguay has been the Director of Language and Literacy at the  Center for Applied Linguistics since 2009. During this time she has had the opportunity to work on a variety of projects in the PreK-12 English Learner Program Area. Most recently, Annie helps to coordinate and deliver professional development (PD) for educators working with English learners in school districts throughout the country. PD topics include the SIOP Model, the What’s Different about Teaching Reading to Students Learning English program, Research-Based Vocabulary Instruction, and other workshops on academic language learning. Annie also helps districts to identify their needs for professional development to improve educational outcomes for language learners. Prior to coming to CAL, Annie was a certified ESL teacher and taught at a STEM-focused public charter school in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Annie did her undergraduate studies in Psychology and Canadian Studies at McGill University. She studied abroad in Lyon, France and is fluent in French. Annie holds two master’s degrees: an Ed.M. from the Harvard Graduate School of Education and an M.A. in Immigration and Settlement Studies from Ryerson University in Toronto.

Professional Credit

Available for one-hour of PD credit. A certificate of completion will be available for download at the end of your session that you can submit for your school's or district's approval.

Share My Lesson is now a New York State Education Department-approved provider for Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) requirements and an Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) approved Professional Development provider.



SML webinar_CAL Newcomers_Duguay.pptx

February 10, 2020
10.45 MB

Share My Lesson_Handouts_Aduguay_CAL.pdf

Handout, Worksheet
February 13, 2020
534.85 KB
External resources
3 Reviews
Great information and ideas!
March 13, 2019
Great information I can use in my classroom! Thank you!
Alea Welch
March 12, 2019
Excellent information. Thank you! Lynn Atkinson Smolen
March 12, 2019