About This Webinar
Please join Lydia Breiseth, Ameena Elder, Nadra Shami of Colorín Colorado and Share My Lesson to learn what it takes to help newcomer immigrant students, particularly those who have experienced trauma, succeed in their schools. One award-winning district whose example is worth studying is Dearborn Public Schools in Michigan, where nearly half of the students are English learners (ELs) – and where the graduation rate, including ELs, is among the highest in the state.
Now Available On Demand. Original Air Date: March 24, 2020.
Come learn about the district’s initiatives around newcomer support and instruction, culturally responsive practice, trauma-informed practice, professional development, family engagement, community partnerships, and union partnerships. Attendees will also see a preview of Colorín Colorado’s new film You Are Welcome Here, which features a K-8 campus serving a large population of families from Yemen who have come to Dearborn in the midst of the country’s civil war.
Available for one-hour of PD credit. A certificate of completion will be available for download at the end of your session that you can submit for your school's or district's approval.
On Demand version is available in closed captioning in English and Spanish.