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50/50 Day is May 10th - Sign up Today!

April 10, 2017

50/50 Day is May 10th - Sign up Today!


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Have you ever wondered how many elected women presidents or prime ministers there have been in the world? Ten, 20, 40? Please hold your guess for a moment. Ask a few of your students. Maybe text a few friends. Maybe few of your most feminist-aware friends. What did everyone come up with? Did anyone come up with fifty? We bet most weren't even close.

Now let's rewind back to the moment where award-winning filmmaker and speaker Tiffany Shlain (@tiffanyshlain) discovers the answer was so much higher than she'd imagined that it inspires her to capture the history of women and their impact in a new and positive way. Mind. Blown. You can see her retell the moment for herself in the video below.

It is so important to teach children at an early age that they may follow their dreams and be treated with respect, no matter what gender or background they come from. 50/50 Day was created specifically for this purpose, to dedicate one day where people around the world could dive deeper into how we get to a more gender balanced world that is better for everyone. Join thousands of schools around the world talking about getting to a more gender balanced world on May 10th. Schools already signed up for 50/50 Day range from George Mason High School in Virginia, to University of Texas at Arlington, to Rockheights Middle School in British Columbia, to San Francisco Unified School District...and many, many more!

About 50/50 Day

On May 10th, thousands of districts, schools, organizations, companies, museums, libraries and homes -- anywhere people already gather --- will join a global conversation about what it will take to get to a more gender-balanced world. All participating groups will:

1.     Screen the acclaimed 20 minute film 50/50 (watch it here) by Emmy-nominated filmmaker Tiffany Shlain

2.     Dive into free discussion materials here

3.     Tap into a 24 hour livecast Q&A that unifies all the film screenings and features prominent leaders from diverse perspectives discussing how to get to a more gender-balanced world in all sectors of society: business, politics, culture, society, and home.

Mark your calendar for May 10th and sign up your district or school today!

50/50 Day is based on the unique and successful model of Character Day, which was founded three years ago. Character Day has grown from 1,500 events in 2014 to 93,000 events in 125 countries and in all 50 states in 2016. Major 50/50 Day partners range from The Global Fund for Women to Refinery29, and British Airways who will be playing our film 50/50 on all their international flights for the month of May. Major events will happen at The National Museum of Women in the Arts, The Leonardo Museum, LucasFilms, American Medical Women's Association and thousands of companies, schools (K-12 & universities), and organizations across the country and world. 

Let it Ripple
Led by Tiffany Shlain, Emmy-nominated filmmaker and founder of The Webby Awards, our team at San Francisco-based Let it Ripple has had four films premiere at Sundance, has won over 80 awards and distinctions, and has had four films selected by The U.S. State Department to screen at embassies around... See More

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