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4 Awesome Discoveries You Probably Didn't Hear About - episode 38


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About This Lesson

A great (and quick!) way to share brand new discoveries with your students. Teachers tell us they use this series of videos as a fun way to kick-start class (especially on Fridays) and to show students that science isn't just what's already known and in the books.

In this 3-minute episode: Body surfing bees, unsinkable metal, faster space forecaster, and gutsy mealworms purge plastic

Links to associated news releases:

Researchers show that mealworms can safely consume toxic additive-containing plastic

Detecting solar flares in real time

Bees “surf” atop water

Spiders and ants inspire metal that won’t sink

The full series can be viewed and downloaded here from the National Science Foundation.


4 Awesome Discoveries You Probably Didn’t Hear About - Episode 38


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