About This Lesson
Lessons include: Use division to simplify fractions; Compare fractions with different denominators (one denominator is not a multiple of the other); Order fractions; Add and subtract fractions with different denominators (by finding two equivalent fractions); Add fractions beyond 1 whole, writing answers as mixed numbers (find 2 equivalent fractions); Add mixed numbers (with fractions which total less than 1); Add mixed numbers with the same denominator, regrouping to make 1 more whole; Add mixed numbers (with fractions which total more than 1); Subtract a fraction from an improper fraction; Subtract a fraction from a mixed number; Subtract mixed numbers (subtract whole number, then fraction); Subtract mixed numbers with the same denominator, regrouping to make 1 fewer whole; Subtract mixed numbers (exchange with 1 whole number to make improper fraction); Count on in non-unitary fractions; Count back in non-unitary fractions; Find a whole quantity given the quantity represented by a unit fraction; Find fractions of numbers, writing remainders as fractions; Multiply a fraction by a whole number; Multiply a mixed number by a whole number by partitioning; Multiply a mixed number by a whole number, simplifying at the end; Multiply a mixed number by a whole number, cross simplifying