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Activity 16: The “3 - 2” Clave
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Activity 16: The “3 - 2” Clave


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Grade Level Grades 3-6
Resource Type Activity, Media

About This Lesson

                                                 Learning Goals/Objectives


  • Describe a 3-2 clave
  • Learn and perform a 3-2 clave (The Hand Jive)

                                             Materials/Additional Resources

                       Common Core Standards & NGSSS Music Standards

Common Core Standards

MAFS.3.OA.4.9 Identify arithmetic patterns (including patterns in the addition table or multiplication table), and explain them using properties of operations. 

MAFS.4.OA.3.5 Generate a number or shape pattern that follows a given rule. Identify apparent features of the pattern that were not explicit in the rule itself. For example, given the rule “Add 3” and the starting number 1, generate terms in the resulting sequence and observe that the terms appear to alternate between odd and even numbers. Explain informally why the numbers will continue to alternate in this way. 

MAFS.5.OA.2.3 Generate two numerical patterns using two given rules. Identify apparent relationships between corresponding terms. Form ordered pairs consisting of corresponding terms from the two patterns and graph the ordered pairs on a coordinate plane. For example, given the rule “Add 3” and the starting number 0, and given the rule “Add 6” and the starting number 0, generate terms in the resulting sequences, and observe that the terms in one sequence are twice the corresponding terms in the other sequence. Explain informally why this is so. 

MAFS.6.EE.3.9 Use variables to represent two quantities in a real-world problem that change in relationship to one another; write an equation to express one quantity, thought of as the dependent variable, in terms of the other quantity, thought of as the independent variable. Analyze the relationship between the dep

NGSSS Music Standards

MU.3.C.1.1 Describe listening skills and how they support appreciation of musical works. 

MU.3.C.2.1 Evaluate performances of familiar music using teacher-established criteria. 

MU.3.C.3.1 Identify musical characteristics and elements within a piece of music when discussing the value of the work. 

MU.3.S.2.1 Identify patterns in songs to aid the development of sequencing and memorization skills. 

MU.4. C.1.1 Develop effective listening strategies and describe how they can support appreciation of musical works. 

MU.4.C.2.1 Identify and describe basic music performance techniques to provide a foundation for critiquing one's self and others.

MU.4.C.2.2 Critique specific techniques in one's own and others performances using teacher established criteria. 

MU.4.C.3.1 Describe characteristics that make various musical works appealing. 

MU.4.S.2.1 Apply knowledge of musical structure to aid in sequencing and memorization and to internalize details of rehearsal and performance. 

MU.5. C.1.1 Discuss and apply listening strategies to support appreciation of musical works. 

MU.5.C.2.1 Define criteria, using correct music vocabulary, to critique one's own and others performance. 

MU.5.C.2.2 Describe changes, using correct music vocabulary, in one's own and/or others performance over time. 

MU.5.C.3.1 Develop criteria to evaluate an exemplary musical work from a specific period or genre.

MU.5.S.2.1 Use expressive elements and knowledge of musical structure to aid in sequencing and memorization and to internalize details of rehearsals and performance. 

MU.68.C.1.1 Develop strategies for listening to unfamiliar musical works. 

MU.68.C.2.1 Critique personal performance, experiment with a variety of solutions, and make appropriate adjustments with guidance from teachers and peers. 

MU.68.C.2.2 Critique, using correct music vocabulary, changes in one’s own or others’ musical performance resulting from practice or rehearsal. 

MU.68.C.3.1 Apply specific criteria to evaluate why a musical work is an exemplar in a specific style or genre. 

MU.68.S.2.1 Perform music from memory to demonstrate knowledge of the musical structure. 

MU.68.S.2.2 Transfer performance techniques from familiar to unfamiliar pieces.

                                                     ESOL/ESE STRATEGIES




This is a very important Latin jazz rhythm AND it is also the basics of American pop music/R&B! It is a 3-2 pattern. The first bar is very similar to The Charleston and Bamboula, since they are all related and come from African roots.

Step 1:

Teach your students to clap a 3-2 clave

||:♩. ♪♩♩|♩♩:||1 2 3 1 2

Step 2:

Teach your students the super fun Hand Jive. It’s a 3-2 Clave!

                                          Rubric/Instrument for Assessment

4 Points(Advanced):

A score of four is a response in which the student demonstrates a thorough understanding of the concepts and/or procedures embodied in the task. The student has responded correctly to the task, used sound procedures, and provided clear and complete explanations and interpretations.

3 Points(Proficient):

A score of three is a response in which the student demonstrates an understanding of the concepts and/or procedures embodied in the task. The students’ response to the task is essentially correct with the procedures used and the explanations and interpretations provided demonstrating an essential but less than thorough understanding. The response may contain minor flaws that reflect in attentive execution of procedures or indications of some misunderstanding of the underlying concepts and/or procedures.

2 Points(Basic):

A score of two indicates that the student has demonstrated only a partial understanding of the concepts and/or procedures embodied in the task. Although the student may have used the correct approach to obtaining a solution or may have provided a correct solution, the students’ work lacks an essential understanding of the underlying concepts.

1 Point(Emerging):

A score of one indicates that the student has demonstrated a very limited understanding of the concepts and/or procedures embodied in the task. The students’ response is incomplete and exhibits many flaws. Although the students’ response has addressed some of the conditions of the task, the student reached an inadequate conclusion and/or provided reasoning that was faulty or in complete. The response exhibits many flaws or may be incomplete.

0 Points:

A score of zero indicates that the student has provided a completely incorrect or non-interpretable response or no response at all.



Quiz And Presentation.pdf

November 17, 2022
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Activity Image.jpeg

November 19, 2022
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Learning Goals.pdf

November 19, 2022
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November 19, 2022
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November 19, 2022
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November 19, 2022
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Rubric-Instrument for Assessment.pdf

November 19, 2022
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SUMMARY of Activity 16 with all applicable Common Core Standards.pdf

August 23, 2024
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JazzSLAM Session 3 Brief.pdf

August 31, 2024
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JazzSLAM Pre-recorded Presentation
Remote video URL


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