About This Lesson
Catch your breath DNA
John Brigham
Asheville , North Carolina
Licensed under Creative Commons ...mrphysh
This lesson is a self contained lesson on DNA structure. It will keep the students busy for days and days and even a week or more. There is no associated lecture. It requires no knowledge of DNA or biology or anything. The learning objective is the structure of DNA and nothing more.
DNA in cells is elegant in its simplicity. Catch your breath DNA is elegant in its simplicity. Both are made of four things and both can only go together in one way.
The core of this cool lesson plan is a paper template. The students will be coloring the bases and cutting them out. They can only go together one way and the students will see that.
The paper templates are made on an ordinary copy machine and the template is included in the literature. The templates are copied front and back with a front and back template.
But it is not great trick. The download includes all information and there is a video for the teacher and a video for the kids.
The lesson plan is suitable for all students, from 4th grade up. It would be suitable for college as well.
Licensed under Creative Commons ...mrphysh