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CKSci Grade 4 Unit 6: Human Respiration and Circulation
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CKSci Grade 4 Unit 6: Human Respiration and Circulation


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Grade Level Grade 4
Resource Type Lesson Plan, Media

About This Lesson

Students will be familiar with the relationship between senses and movement—that most of the time when they move a body part, that movement is initiated or guided by their senses. What they may not be familiar with are the changes that movement brings about in the circulatory and respiratory systems in the body. With every movement, the circulatory and respiratory systems of the human body will respond to supply the body with oxygen and other nutrients.

In this unit, students will consider the respiratory and circulatory systems and the role those systems play when students participate in a fun run. The circulatory system will move blood and oxygen through the bloodstream, where blood and oxygen are needed. The respiratory system will exchange the oxygen for the waste product carbon dioxide.

Students will also build on their understanding from previous grades about human body structures and their functions.

Number of Lessons: 8

Instruction Time:

  • Because this unitis not designed to support any specific NGSS Performance Expectation, the instructional episodes are not grouped into multipart lessons. As such, they are identified simply as lessons instead of lesson segments.
  • Each Lesson is designed to be completed in one 30–45-minute class period.
  • Some single-day activities and performance tasks might require setting aside a longer block of time.
  • This Unit should be completed in about 30 classroom days.
  • A Pacing Guide Template is usually provided within the Teacher Guide so teachers can map out customized instructional days for this unit.
  • A complete list of Materials needed to complete the unit is provided in Online Resources.



G4U6_Human Respiration and Circulation_Reader.pdf

February 22, 2024
9.54 MB

G4U6_Human Respiration and Circulation_TeacherGuide.pdf

Lesson Plan
February 22, 2024
5.35 MB


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