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Cluedo style team game.
4.0 (3 Reviews)

Cluedo style team game.


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Grade Level Grades 6-12
Resource Type Activity

About This Lesson

I hand this out to the students explaining that the head has been killed; they have to find who; where and how it happened. (Change the names; rooms etc to suit your school). To start with you may need to recap the way Cluedo works ie; eliminate possible suspects; rooms and weapons one at a time. For each activity they get a clue - 1 person/room/weapon to take off their lists. The examples here only get you so far. I use extra Christmas activities like wordsearches; sudoku and so on to get the rest of the ‘clues’; which they earn once each task is completed.




February 7, 2020
62 KB
3 Reviews
SML Member
July 04, 2016
SML Member
January 30, 2016
I don't feel like the directions here are very clear. It would be nice to have a complete game with keys, etc. I love the idea but I'm not sure about the execution.
August 24, 2013
It would be use full in the description to point out that this is for French lessons. I had a similar idea myself, and assuming it was a brilliant idea, another teacher must have thought about it. Unfortunately, I don't speak French, so all I got was a few refineries on format. Looks good tor french though, so I didn't want to rate the lesson low when my issue was with the description.
SML Member
February 22, 2012
I've had to spend some time changing the activities and adapting to different classes levels, but I've been doing this activity for a couple of years and every kid loves it!! It also means that I have to do nothing during the lesson...
SML Member
December 13, 2011