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CoreAtlas Entry/Exit Ticket: x multi-digit (4th grade)
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CoreAtlas Entry/Exit Ticket: x multi-digit (4th grade)


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Grade Level Grades 3-5
Standards Alignment
Common Core State Standards

About This Lesson

Use this Entry/Exit ticket before/during/after any lesson. It will help your students develop meta-cognition (an essential critical thinking skill!) and deepen growth mindsets.

Instructions (following the #s on the Entry/Exit ticket itself):

  1. Model for students reading & thinking about the Quest. This is kid-friendly language of the standard you're about to teach. Check for understanding by seeing if students can put the Quest in their own words.

  2. Discuss the illustration with your students. It helps them see what mastery with this Quest might look like.

  3. Invite students to grade themselves. Research shows self-assessment is the #1 strategy students can do to impact their learning!

  4. Model reflective thinking using the prompts at your self-graded level. Your students will develop critical thinking skills, and you'll get the information you need to differentiate instruction and target intervention!

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CoreAtlas Entry:Exit Ticket - Word problems x and ÷ (4th grade).pdf

February 13, 2020
601.02 KB


Multiply a whole number of up to four digits by a one-digit whole number, and multiply two two-digit numbers, using strategies based on place value and the properties of operations. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models.


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