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Coronavirus Lesson Plans – Introduction to Peekaville’s 'Peekaflu' + Espanol


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About This Lesson

Coronavirus Lesson Plans: 

To all our families,

Peekapak is here to support all of our teachers, families, and students as we head into new territory. 

We have created specific Coronavirus lesson plans about the pandemic in order to directly support our schools, students, and families. We encourage you to share it with families and have healthy, productive conversations.  If new to Peekapak, your school or district can request access here.


Peekaville is a small town nestled within lovely forests where humans and animals live and play in harmony. Peekaville oozes warmth and creativity. Peekaville is home to Leo the Hedgehog, Cody, Menka and the rest of the Peekapak Pals. To see and learn more about Peekaville, either sign in to your student account at or play as a guest at can request free access during school closures here.

Unit Introduction: The Peekaflu

Lots of people are getting sick in Peekaville with the Peekaflu. Lots of activities are being canceled (Berryball tournament) and stores and schools are closed. Cody is feeling angry and a little scared. Why can’t he go play with his friends or go get ice cream like he always does? It’s no fun at all!

Peekaflu Unit:

Lesson 1A: Letter from Cody

Hi friends!  It’s Cody here. 

Things have been changing in Peekaville and I’m not sure how I feel. Mayor Peekapak made an announcement that said lots of people are getting the Peekaflu. Mr. Bison told us that it’s like the normal flu, but older people can get really sick from it. I hope Kenji’s grandma is okay.

Yesterday, school was canceled and all the stores shut down! Normally days off from school, like snow days, are lots of fun, but now I can’t play with my friends because everyone is staying inside their homes. It’s not fair! Even Mr. Baker’s shop is closed! My tummy is rumbling for a marshmallow banana muffin. 

Don’t tell anyone, but I’m also feeling a little scaredWhat if it gets worseWhat if I get sick? What if my family gets sick?

Has this ever happened to you? How did you feel? What did you do?

Stay healthy!

Your pal, 


Activity 1B: To share with families:

(see below for translation in Spanish)

  • Parents/guardians, read the below letter from Cody with your child(ren).
  • Ask the following questions:
    • How is Cody feeling about the Peekaflu?
    • After your children answer – go one step deeper…
      • Why is Cody feeling frustrated?
      • Why is Cody feeling scared?
      • How are you feeling? Are you feeling more than one emotion?
    • Who or what are you worried about?
    • What can you do to cheer up?
    • How are you staying healthy?
  • Help your child write a letter or draw an illustrated response to Cody about how they feel and what they can do.
  • Have your child send their letter back to their teacher and/or take a photo and post it on Twitter (tag @Peekapak). Cody may see it and respond!

Actividad para compartir con las familias:

  • Padres de familia/tutores, lean la carta de Cody con su(s) hijo(s).
  • Haga las siguientes preguntas:
    • ¿Cómo se siente Cody con respecto a la Peeka-gripe? Después de que su(s) hijo(s) respondan, profundice la discusión al preguntar:
      • ¿Porqué Cody se siente frustrado?
      • ¿Porqué Cody se siente asustado?
      • ¿Cómo te sientes? ¿Porqué te sientes de esa manera? ¿Sientes más de una emoción?
    • ¿Sobre qué o quién estás preocupado?
    • ¿Qué podemos hacer para ayudar a alegrarte?
    • ¿Qué estás haciendo para mantenerte saludable? ¿Cuáles son algunas formas de mantenerte saludable?
  • Ayúdele a su hijo a escribir una carta o a dibujar una respuesta para Cody. Aliente a su(s) hijo(s) a describir cómo se sienten y qué es lo que pueden hacer en momentos como este.
  • Usted y su(s) hijo(s) pueden enviar su respuesta a su profesor y/o pueden tomar una fotografía y publicarla a través de Twitter (no olviden etiquetar @Peekapak). ¡Cody podría ver la fotografía y responder!

Download and review Cody’s Letter



Coronavirus Lesson - Cody's Intro letter for 2nd to 3rd Grade Lesson.png

April 15, 2020
103.95 KB

LetterCody 2-3 grade Spanish.png

April 15, 2020
106.89 KB


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