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GRAPHIC DESIGN WORKSHOP: How Can Design Make People Think + Care?


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Subject ArtsVisual Arts
Grade Level Grades 9-12
Resource Type Activity

About This Lesson

LITTLE STONES is an award-winning documentary which takes viewers on a global journey inside the lives and studios of four women fighting for equality. Directed by EMMY® Award-winning filmmaker Sophia Kruz, the documentary follows the uplifting stories of four women using rap, graffiti, fashion and dance to fight for women’s rights around the world.

Driftseed, a 501c3 nonprofit organization created by the filmmakers, partnered with the University of Michigan School of Education to create a series of lesson plans and arts workshops for high school students based on the Little Stones documentary. The purpose of this classroom initiative is to not only educate future leaders on global violence against women, but also to inspire innovative, collaborative, and non-traditional means of creating social change through the arts.

In the GRAPHIC DESIGN WORKSHOP, students will take their ideas about social problems and develop graphic arts pieces in response. The course teaches the basic principles of design.

TEACHER PREP: This graphic design session should provide clear, structured options, but should also allow students to pursue their own ideas independently as appropriate. The only real non-negotiable is that you will ask students to design something connected to a social issue they care about.

MATERIALS: Colored pencils, markers, pencils, computer paper, scissors, glue, magazines, drawing aids like rulers and protractors, PowerPoint, and computer with projector



LITTLE STONES Graphic Design Workshop.pdf

March 20, 2020
1.2 MB


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