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Imperialism or Not? Activity
5.0 (8 Reviews)

Imperialism or Not? Activity


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Grade Level Grades 9-12
Resource Type Activity

About This Lesson

This activity has students examine 7 instances of US expansion that could or could not be considered imperialism. They must explain whether each one should be labeled as such.

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February 10, 2020
33.5 KB
8 Reviews
I love this activity and I like how it allows for the students to make their own idea of what it could be. Thank you so much for this activity!
January 27, 2021
totally left up to the students, based on person opinion, but within the framework of the definition of imperialism that you show them. I haven't taught U.S. in a few years so I don't have any of the student responses, but I do remember lively debate about what constitutes imperialism.
Adam Feinberg
July 31, 2020
no answer key, it's really left open to students to determine if these instances are or are not imperialism. The debate is very interesting for some of them, and frankly, it's wonderful to see them act as lawyers and try to figure out and prove the precise definition of words.
Adam Feinberg
July 31, 2020
Looks good. Is there any sort of answer key or is it totally left up to students, based on personal opinion. I'd love to see some ideas about various possible responses from students.
Susan Riley
July 31, 2020
Is there an answer key for this?
September 22, 2019