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Invasive species in the St. Lawrence River -- Classroom Debate -- with scaffolding


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About This Lesson

Resource: Invaders of the St. Lawrence


Media (10 mins): The Great Lakes are a major hotspot for invasive species. How did they get there, and what can we do about it? Lexy visits experts from the River Institute and Mohawk Council of Akwesasne’s Environment program to find out. We’ll join researcher Cristina Charette in the lab to learn how the invasive round goby is changing the food web. Next, field technician Logan Lazore explains why researchers are worried that invasive zebra mussels may harm native species like sturgeon in the future.

  • See the media: Ocean School makes media/activity combinations. Each piece of media is linked to an activity. You can access this video by visiting the Ocean School website or by visiting the direct link here. If you like this media, you can see all of the available resources in the Ocean School Resource Catalogue. Everything in Ocean School is provided free to the public.

Activity (1 hr 30 mins): Debate! Students are introduced to the ethics of controlling invasive species. Then they debate whether to eradicate or tolerate the round goby, an invasive fish in the St. Lawrence River.

  • Want another format? We offer a Google Slides version of the activity, a Microsoft Powerpoint version of the activity, and a PDF version of the activity on the Ocean School website.

About Ocean School

This is a free educational resource from the Canadian Government about the ocean, through the Ocean Frontier Institute at Dalhousie University and the National Film Board of Canada. Ocean School provides media-rich, ocean-based resources in multiple subjects for students in grades 5–12. Created by educators, scientists and storytellers, these interactive learning materials help students understand our influence on the ocean and the ocean’s influence on us. Ocean School is ad-free and requires no login for teacher or student.

Available in French

Check out the Resources tab for the French activity sheets and media. Or check out the French Ocean School page.

Please note: Ocean School activities are not stand-alone lessons (they do not cover all aspects of one topic or subject) but instead supplement learning through dynamic and engaging experiences.

About the creative commons license:

  • This Ocean School activity is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 Deed.
  • This Ocean School piece of media is not creative commons. 

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