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Let's Act!

Let's Act!


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About This Lesson

Explore why we find ourselves amid a climate and a biodiversity crisis, examine and clarify complex scientific evidence, define sustainability and explore how all of us play an essential role in contributing to the change needed in our world.

Student-centred self-paced learning through five topics 

  1. The Road to Agenda 2030.
  2. Our Planet at Risk.
  3. Energy at the core of the problem.
  4. Food Production - the other side of the coin.
  5. A World of Opportunities.

Let's Act! is a fun, free, interactive, and flexible learning platform, where students 12-16 years can learn about Human Rights and Sustainable Development Goals and how they can take action. The platform supports teachers in blended learning methods. The teachers have access to best practice videos, ICT tool videos and a comprehensive teacher manual.

Everything in the Let’s Act learning platform is based on research. The students can work independently with the platform. The themes are all illustrated by videos and fun quizzes for the students to solve.  At the end of each theme, you will find a classroom activity to be solved in plenary.

Lesson 1
The first lesson is about how human rights have formed the 17 goals for sustainable development. It also contains topics about how globalisation has changed throughout history, and how modern prosperity is based on colonialism and slave trade. Sustainable development and environmental issues are thoroughly treated and the development of the 17 goals for sustainability is explained.

Lesson 2
The second lesson is about why and how our planet Earth is becoming less inhabitable. Learn about what has made the Earth particularly suitable for human development over the past 10-12.000 years.

Lesson 3
The third lesson is about energy. Here the student can examine energy consumption a little closer. Energy consumption is in fact responsible for three-quarters of our GHG emissions.

Lesson 4
The fourth lesson is about the factors that contribute to the other one-quarter of GHG emissions. This primarily comes from our food production. The lesson also discusses what can be done to reduce the emissions of food production. 

Lesson 5
The fifth lesson is about what we all can do to transform and reorganise. Here the student examines and learns about which sectors of society are responsible for which part of the reorganisation.

Teacher manual
Teachers are assisted by a full teacher manual with videos and examples of good teaching. We have emphasised blended learning, and there are ideas for your teaching online as well as offline.

The material is developed in English and translated into Bulgarian,  Danish, Italian and Rumanian. 

The SDG Learning Platform has been mapped up against educational standards in Italy, Bulgaria, Romania and Denmark. The teacher will find a guideline on how to map up against own national guidelines. 

The team behind
The content of the SDG Learning Platform is inspired by five scientific articles written by Fondazione AEM, Italy and MUNDU, Denmark. The material is translated into learning in cooperation with Research Programme for Learning and IT (LIT) at VIA University College, Denmark. Later everything has been translated into Bulgarian,  Danish, Italian and Romanian. Two schools have been partners in the project, Colegiul National “Vasile Alecsandri” IASI, Romania and 138th SUZIE ”Prof. Vasil Zlatarski”, Bulgaria.

The project is financed by the Erasmus+ programme


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