About This Lesson
Students will investigate and discuss the health effects of radio frequencies and present their argument in an eye-catching presentation using a presentation design app.
Students will investigate and discuss the health effects of radio frequencies and present their argument in an eye-catching presentation using a presentation design app.
Reliable presentation.pdf
Soundbyting Research Worksheet.pdf
Teacher Guide and Lesson Plan.pdf
Reliable presentation Spanish.pdf
Soundbyting Research Worksheet Spanish.pdf
Teacher Guide and Lesson Plan Spanish.pdf
Activity, Article, Handout, Lesson Plan, Presentation, Worksheet | Grades 10-12
Activity, Handout, Lesson Plan, Worksheet | Grades 9-12
Activity, Lesson Plan, Worksheet | Grades 9-12
Activity, Assessment, Lesson Plan, Presentation, Worksheet | Grades 9-12
Activity, Lesson Plan, Worksheet | Grades 9-12
Lesson Plan, Presentation, Worksheet | Grades 9-12