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Response to Intervention: Tips for Educators
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Response to Intervention: Tips for Educators


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Response to intervention is a multitiered approach that schools use to help students who are struggling academically or behaviorally. The goal of RTI is to identify and address learning difficulties, behavior and/or social and emotional concerns early on, and to provide students with the support they need to be successful. Initially, RTI was specifically included in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) to reflect concerns with models of identification of a specific learning disability (SLD) that use IQ tests,and the recognition that a growing body of scientific research supports methods, such as RTI, that more accurately distinguish between children who truly have SLD from those whose learning difficulties could be resolved with more specific, scientifically based, general education interventions. Similarly, the President’sCommission on Excellence in Special Education recommended that the identification process for SLD incorporate an RTI approach.



RTI tips2.pdf

Article, Handout
December 4, 2024
236.87 KB


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