About This Lesson
Career Girls Empowerment Lesson Video Series:
Technology Careers (1:32 sec)
How did you use technology today? If you used a phone, a refrigerator, or a car, bus or train, you were seeing technology at work. Technology is part of our everyday lives. It’s also why you can be looking at this video right now about careers in tech! Watch this video to find out how you can be part of the brand new things that will become part of your world.
Can you see yourself getting paid to solve puzzles and problems? A career in technology might be for you! Technology is all about solving puzzles and problems. A career in technology can open doors to just about anything you can imagine. Computer programming is one option. But technology skills help solve problems in almost every field out there!
Use the Resources here to see what you already know about tech and discover something new.
Fun Page Activity: How much do you know about what it takes to get into a career in tech? Answer five quick questions to find out, and boost your knowledge at the same time.