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Three movements in Civil Rights: Struggle for Equality
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Three movements in Civil Rights: Struggle for Equality


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Grade Level Grades 9-12
Resource Type Assessment

About This Lesson

The unit is based on three movements in Civil Rights, Women’s suffrage, the 1960’s, and the LGBTQIA.  They will learn about all three then decide on one that they want to focus on to complete a project.  This project based learning unit allows for student choice, “Another essential component of PBL is student voice and choice, both in terms of what students produce and how they use their time. Specifically to products, you can allow students to show what they know in a variety of ways” (Miller, 2016). The struggle for equality project leads to the student’s having to show understanding of the content by interpreting how a issue or event from the past can compare to a modern day issue or event in a written essay supported by visual representation from the past and present. 

I am creating this unit based on constructivist strategies where, “More emphasis is placed on students taking more responsibility and control of their learning” (Savage, Savage, & Armstrong, 2012).  The project leads to students having to evaluate ideas which works on their critical thinking skills. According to Savage et al., “Controversial issues often function well as stimuli for critical thinking lessons” (p. 229).  My goal is for students to realize how the past ties directly to the present and how they can become involved in changing the future by being aware and getting involved.  Students will personally connect to one of the three movements which will help to motivate them in this unit, “Students appreciate the importance of these issues, and they often commit enthusiastically to lessons featuring content that is relevant to the world they live in outside school”   (Savage, Savage, & Armstrong, 2012). 


Miller, A. (2016). 6 Strategies for Differentiated Instruction in Project-Based Learning.  Edutopia. Retrieved from

Savage, T.V., Savage, M.K., & Armstrong, D.G. (2012). Teaching in the Secondary School. (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

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Unit Plan- Struggle for Equality.pdf

February 13, 2020
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