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Unit 2: Deepening a Conceptual Understanding of Equity, Diversity, and Unity


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About This Lesson

This particular unit and the four lessons make connections with the theme Equality and the Prohibition of Discrimination with an emphasis on the question: How can schools introduce and deepen students’ conceptual understanding of  major terms–equity, diversity, and unity– related to American democracy and citizenship? 

Fundamental to students being able to fully participate in a democratic society to bring about social and political equality and uphold the ideals expressed in national and international documents and movements— the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights,  the U.S. Civil Rights Movement, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHD)--are common terms and themes they encounter again and again. Such words include equality, diversity, and unity, and it is important to not just  deepen their understanding, but show relationships and  connections with them so they become concrete, relevant, and meaningful  to students.

In lesson one, we see a videotape of students engaged in a scavenger hunt with the cartoon Uncle Sam’s Thanksgiving Dinner to find words associated with the American civic ideals and begin a discussion of them. Lesson two pre-teaches vocabulary  (domain-specific words)  from students’ scavenger hunt in lesson one.Then it draws on the work of Robert Marzano’s multiple representations of a word, both linguistic and non-linguistic as a way of deepening their understanding of  basic terms in democracy and citizenship. Making connections between and amongst vocabulary words associated with American democracy is the focus of lesson three. Using Janet Allen’s research article (2006), this  lesson  introduces students to concept circles to understand  the interrelatedness and connections with and among these civic ideals–equity, diversity, and unity–and some words they saw in the cartoon including: come one come all, free and equal, universal suffrage, and welcome. For the fourth and final lesson, students used a rubric as a  guide  in creating their own cartoons to represent their understanding of equity, diversity, and unity.



(Read First) Overview and Directions for Unit Two_ Deepening a Conceptual Understanding of Equity, Diversity, and Unity.docx

Lesson Plan
March 8, 2022
13.75 KB

Unit 2 Lesson 1.docx

Lesson Plan
March 8, 2022
11.49 KB

Unit 2 Lesson 1, Step 2a (Chart).docx

Handout, Worksheet
March 8, 2022
9.74 KB

Unit 2 Lesson 1, Step 2b_ Uncle Sam_s Thanksgiving Dinner.png

Handout, Worksheet
March 8, 2022
1.92 MB

Unit 2 Lesson 2.docx

Lesson Plan
March 8, 2022
11.12 KB

Unit 2 Lesson 2, Step 2a Sample Copy of Multiple Representations of a Word.docx

Handout, Worksheet
March 8, 2022
288.29 KB

Unit 2 Lesson 2, Step 2b Multiple Representations of a Word.docx

Handout, Worksheet
March 8, 2022
9.2 KB

Unit 2 Lesson 3 .docx

Lesson Plan
March 8, 2022
10.74 KB

Unit 2 Lesson 3, Step 1_ Concept Circle 1.docx

Handout, Worksheet
March 8, 2022
924.75 KB

Unit 2 Lesson 3, Step 2a_ Instructions for Completing the Concept Circle.docx

Handout, Worksheet
March 8, 2022
8.98 KB

Unit 2, Lesson 3, Step 2b_ Sample Copy of Concept Circle Example with Dr. King.JPG

Handout, Worksheet
March 8, 2022
891.45 KB

Unit 2 lesson 3, Step 4_ Rubric for Concept Circles.docx

Handout, Worksheet
March 8, 2022
12.3 KB

Unit 2 Lesson 4.docx

Lesson Plan
March 8, 2022
10.67 KB

Unit 2 Lesson 4, Step 2_ Rubric for Equity Project.docx

Handout, Worksheet
March 8, 2022
9.56 KB


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