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When You are the Target: How to Respond to and Challenge Bias
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When You are the Target: How to Respond to and Challenge Bias


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Grade Level Grades 7-12
Resource Type Lesson Plan

About This Lesson

In schools and classrooms across the country, many young people face bias and discrimination in everyday life. The bias can come from other students, teachers, school staff or the school policies—or lack of inclusive, equitable school policies. Bias can take the form of slurs, hate symbols, name-calling, bullying, disrespect, exclusion, other forms of discrimination and more. Students have to contend with this bias and then decide if they want to do anything about it and if so, what to do. In addition to encouraging other students to act as allies for each other, it is important that students learn skills to respond to and challenge the bias they face. 

This lesson provides an opportunity for students to explore bias situations in school and learn strategies for responding to and challenging bias, in particular when they are the target.




Lesson Plan
June 1, 2024
264.4 KB
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