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Why Are Midterm Elections Important?
4.0 (2 Reviews)

Why Are Midterm Elections Important?


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Grade Level Grades 9-12
Resource Type Activity

About This Lesson

Why Are Midterm Elections Important?

Lesson Overview

In the middle of the political discussions about the midterm elections of 2018, have we have lost sight of the importance of midterm elections in general? Are these elections important? Use this lesson to help students discover the importance of all elections.

Suggested Grade Level

High school (grades 9–12)

Estimated Time to Complete

One to two 45-minute class periods


By the end of this lesson, students should be able to

  • define midterm elections,
  • explain why midterm elections are important from the perspective of national, state, and local decisions that need to be made, and
  • suggest at least two ways in which voter turnout in all elections, particularly in midterm elections, can increase. 

Materials Needed

  • Chart paper, smartboard, whiteboard, or chalkboard
  • Internet access using a computer, tablet, or other device
  • Teacher Resource (see the end of this lesson)
  • Student Directions (see the end of this lesson)




February 13, 2020
108.4 KB
2 Reviews
Super site. It will take some work. I still like it.
October 29, 2018
Requires a bit of research/prep in advance. Could include questions to build students' connections for defining midterm elections in the introduction. There's also a lot of vocabulary used in the activities and the lessons mention that prior lessons and vocabulary may need to referenced. There are also connections to mathematics in one of the activities and research connections (on computers).
Jasmine Oke
October 25, 2018