About This Lesson
Project/Unit Overview: Beginning with a Socratic Seminar designed for elementary aged students, students will evaluate the importance of education and what education might look like in today’s world. Through further study, students will evaluate how education has been obtained in the past and who has historically been allowed or excluded from education in the past through to the present. Through individual, as well as group activities, students will formulate their opinions of why, what and how education should be accessed in today’s world. Supporting evidence will be used to determine their stance on why, when, for whom and how education should be implemented.
Note: Portions, but not all, of these lessons are presented in both Spanish and English for the convenience of a dual language Spanish instructor like myself.
Essential Questions/Preguntas Esenciales:
- What do you believe education should look like? Cómo se debe ver educación?
- Who do you believe should receive an education? Quién debe ser educado?
- How should people in our world be educated? Cómo debemos educar a gente en nuestro mundo?