The Council for Economic Education (CEE) is the leading organization in the United States that focuses on the economic and financial education of students from kindergarten through high school. For nearly 65 years, our mission has been to instill in young people the fourth “R”—a real-world understanding of economics and personal finance. It is only by acquiring economic and financial literacy that children can learn that there are better options for a life well lived, will be able to see opportunity on their horizon line and, ultimately, can grow into successful and productive adults capable of making informed and responsible decisions. We carry out our mission by providing professional development to teachers, teaching resources across the curriculum and nationally-normed assessment tools. We deliver our programs through in-person local workshops, partner organizations and online.
The Council for Economic Education (CEE’s) mission is to teach K-12 students about economics and personal finance–and we have been doing so for 70 years. Our goal is to reach and teach every child in every district and school so that they can make better decisions for themselves, their families and their communities.
CEE carries out its mission by educating the educators: providing the curriculum tools, the pedagogical support, and the community of peers that instruct, inspire, and guide. We strive to meet the teachers where they are with what they need. All resources and programs are developed by educators, and delivered by our 188 affiliates across the country in every state. We reach over 55,000 K-12 teachers a year through in-person professional development, and those teachers, in turn, reach approximately 5 million students throughout the country. Nearly 2/3 of these educators come from schools serving large numbers of low- and moderate-income students. EconEdLink–our free, online educator gateway for economic and personal finance lessons and resources– attracts more than 1 million unique visitors each year.