NewsGuard offers tools and resources to help users spot misinformation and develop media literacy skills. NewsGuard provides trust ratings for 7,500+ news and information sites – written by trained journalists based on nine apolitical journalistic criteria. We tell you what standards each site uses in creating its content, who’s behind the site, how it’s funded, and whether you can trust it.
With our browser extension, you’ll see NewsGuard ratings right next to links on search engines and social media feeds across all major platforms, giving you context behind who’s feeding you the news. NewsGuard has partnered with AFT to fight misinformation and promote media literacy by making this browser extension free to all AFT members, their students, and their students' families. To learn more about NewsGuard's extension and to request your free access as an AFT member, visit
NewsGuard has also created free educational resources to help you teach media literacy to your students, which are available here.