About This Webinar
Students of all backgrounds thrive in a warm and “identity safe” environment where they feel that who they are and what they think are valued. School transformation requires teamwork. Involving students in the process of change can shift the school culture to one where offending or hurting someone else, either in person or online, is not seen as cool and is not tolerated.
This presentation from Not In Our Town is for educators, parents, and caregivers to help support children at home and school by teaching them about bullying, how to stand up to it, and how to get help. Participants will also learn how to support the child who is bullying others, and discovers ways they can help stop and break behavior patterns that lead to further harm.
The presentation will offer:
- Definitions of bullying and bias-based bullying
- Concrete ways to support a child if they have been bullied or are bullying others
- Steps on getting help from the school staff
- Ways to involve the larger community to prevent bullying and bias in your school and community