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Source: Reuters/Mike Segar

Source: Reuters/Mike Segar

What's on the Agenda for the U.N. General Assembly?

September 19, 2023

What's on the Agenda for the U.N. General Assembly?

Help your students understand the international cooperation surrounding the U.N. General Assembly.


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The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) convenes this month to discuss a wide range of international issues. The policy discussions that take place during this session are sure to shape the future of global cooperation.

CFR Education’s expert-informed resources will help your students understand the importance of this type of global convening, the inner workings of UNGA, and the topics it will cover.

International Cooperation 

To avoid repeating the major crises of the first half of the 20th century, world leaders created a series of international organizations and agreements to promote global cooperation.

One of these international organizations is the United Nations. Composed of 193 nations, the U.N. aims to promote international peace and stability, human rights and economic development.

High School Educator Tip: Need a refresher on major international organizations? This resource breaks down six of the most prominent ones.

What Is the U.N. General Assembly? 

As the main policy-making organ of the U.N., the General Assembly's role is to discuss, debate, and make recommendations on international peace and security.

Other key functions include: 

Pick a Position on U.N. Security Council Reform

Should the United States stand at the forefront of reform or resist modification and recommend maintaining the status quo? It is up to your class to decide. Try the mini-simulation.

UN chambers
Source: CFR Education

2023 UNGA Agenda

With a goal of rebuilding trust and reigniting global solidarity, the 193 member states of the United Nations have a lot to tackle this year. Use the below resources to explain the background on some of the main items on the agenda.

Promotion of sustained economic growth and sustainable development 

Sustainable Development Goals Summit

During UNGA, there will be a summit to discuss the mid-point implementation of the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) for 2030. This overview breaks it down for you. Learn about SDGs.

Sustainable Development Goals
Source: U.N. Division for Sustainable Development Goals 

Maintenance of international peace and security

Promotion of justice and international law

A more equitable renewable-energy based, climate-resilient global economy

Higher Education Tip: This discussion guide can help your students construct their own arguments about strategies for international development and the opportunities and challenges associated with economic growth.

Lesson Plans on International Politics

Find more resources on international politics and how they relate to your students with our free collection of preK-12 lesson plans and teaching resources.

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CFR Education aims to close the global literacy gap in our country by providing accessible, accurate, and authoritative resources that build the knowledge, skills, and perspective high school and higher education students need to understand and engage with today’s most pressing global issues.... See More

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