About This Lesson
What brings your students instant joy? Use this bulletin board to help students identify activities that bring their class joy.
Students will brainstorm how they want to feel as a class and things they can do as a class or as individuals to help them feel that way. Afterward, they can design Jolts of Joy to add to the class bulletin board (e.g., brain breaks, student sharing a joke, etc.). Once students have made their lists, have them submit them to the teacher to build out the Class Jolts of Joy bulletin board. Hang it in your classroom so that students can reference the Jolts of Joy they collectively created whenever they need a Jolt of Joy!
This is a great social-emotional learning activity for students to become more mindful of what brings them joy and how to get more of it.
Here’s what you’ll get:
- Full-sized 36x24 bulletin board
- 11x8.5 bulletin board
Why you’ll love this bulletin board:
*Figuring out what brings your class joy and doing those activities together can create a more positive classroom
* The bulletin board is easy to print and customize in your classroom
* You can use this resource as part of a comprehensive, science-based unit study.
* The associated free unit study for Jolts of Joy comes with activities, downloadable worksheets, and even IEP and BIP recommendations tailored specifically to students with autism.
Ways to Use
- Display in your classroom or learning space, administrative offices, or staff rooms
- Incorporate into SEL curriculum
- Integrate into small groups and/or individual counseling sessions
- Families can use this at home, too!
What is Jolts of Joy?
Don’t wait for joy to come to you, go get more of it! Science shows that joy-inducing activities transform the way we think, perform, and respond. Jolts of Joy are small, intentional actions that inject positive emotions into our day and help us take control of our wellbeing moment to moment. The overall goal is to have greater control over the ratio of positive to negative emotions you experience each day. By unleashing the power of positive emotions with intention, you and your students can jolt yourself into joy!
Science of Positive Emotions
Positive emotions create opportunities for growth and healing, mentally and physically. The Broaden and Build theory is based on the notion that positive emotions enable us to develop new and creative ways of thinking to enhance wellbeing and promote resilience. Scientific evidence finds that even little moments of joy throughout the day add up to greater physical and mental wellbeing. People who experience positive emotions think better, perform better, and feel better. Experiencing positive emotions regularly can:
- Open our eyes and minds
- Increase creative thinking
- Expand our visual field
- Allow for global thinking and diversity
- Prevent depression and anxiety
- Undoing effect
- Improve cardiac functioning
- Increase healthy sleep
Looking for more Jolts of Joy resources?
* Explore the free Jolts of Joy Unit Study, which includes teaching slides, additional worksheets and activities, and even IEP and BIP recommendations tailored specifically to students with autism.
Proof Positive’s resources are and will always be free. Be well!
★ Bonus access to full lesson plans and unit studies on the skills of happiness at our Skill Center