About This Lesson
Hank introduces us to ourselves by taking us on a journey through the fascinatingly diverse phyla known as chordata. And the next time someone asks you who you are, you can give them the facts: you're a mammalian amniotic tetrapodal sarcopterygian osteichthyen gnathostomal vertebrate cranial chordate.
Table of Contents:
1) Chordate Synapomorphies 1:04
2) Cephalachordata 1:20
3) Urochordata 3:16
4) Vertebrata 3:49
a) Myxini 4:30
b) Petromyzontida 4:51
c) Chondrichthyes 5:32
d) Osteichthyes 6:05
5) Biolography 7:29
6) Amphibia 9:02
7) Reptilia 9:47
8) Mammalia 10:57