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Fudge-A-Mania by Judy Blume - Chapter 1-2
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Fudge-A-Mania by Judy Blume - Chapter 1-2


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Grade Level Grades 3-5
Resource Type Activity
Standards Alignment

About This Lesson

In Fudge-A-Mania by Judy Blume, Peter Hatcher's family will be driving from Manhattan, NY to Southwest Harbor, ME for vacation. On the map, your students will write 'Manhattan' next to the star on the map in New York to show where Peter lives, then write 'South West Harbor' next to the start on the map in Maine to show where the family will be vacationing. Then they will draw a line from Manhattan to Southwest Harbor to show the journey the family will travel. On page 2, your students will use the map and compass to answer three questions: 

1) What three states will the Hatchers have to drive through to get to Maine? 

2) In what direction will the Hatchers have to drive to get from New York to Maine?

3) Southwest Harbor is on the coast of what ocean? 

This geography/reading comprehension activity can be done after reading chapters 1-2 of Fudge-A-Mania. This includes two printable handouts. 

If you are interested in using the full packet for Fudge-A-Mania or Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, which includes handouts for each chapter (cloze exercises, fill-in-the-blank, matching activities and crossword puzzles for reading comprehension and vocabulary building), please click on the following links: 

Thanks so much for using my worksheets in your classroom!



Fudge-a-mania Peter's Summer Trip.pdf

February 13, 2020
213.06 KB


locate places within the local community, State, and nation; locate the Earth’s continents in relation to each other and to principal parallels and meridians. (Adapted from National Geography Standards, 1994)
In literary texts, compare and contrast two or more characters, settings, and events, drawing on specific details in the text. In informational texts, explain the relationships or interactions between two or more individuals, events, ideas, or concepts based on specific evidence from the text.
In literary texts, describe a character, setting, or event, drawing on specific details in the text. In informational texts, explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts, including what happened and why, based on specific evidence from the text.
draw maps and diagrams that serve as representations of places, physical features, and objects
Use location terms and geographic representations (maps and models) to describe where places are in relation to each other, to describe connections between places, and to evaluate the benefits of particular places for purposeful activities.
read a variety of literature of different genres: picture books; poems; articles and stories from children’s magazines; fables, myths and legends; songs, plays and media productions; and works of fiction and nonfiction intended for young readers
The spatial relationships of world communities can be described by direction, location, distance, and scale.


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