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Ocean Scenarios: Help a fisher choose between fishing methods

Ocean Scenarios: Help a fisher choose between fishing methods


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About This Lesson

Activity: Net gains

Description | 40 mins 

Media: Holly & Boris explore the pros and cons of different cod fishing methods: trawl nets, gill nets, cod pots and handlines.

Activity: Shopping for gear: Students are presented with three types of gear and two fishermen who are looking to buy new gear for their fishing business in Fogo. Students must decide which gear is best suited to each given their experience, savings, boat, fishing philosophy and crew.

  • Want a Google Slides version? We offer a Google Slides version of the activity, and a Microsoft Powerpoint version of the activity of the activity on the Ocean School website.

About Ocean School
This is a free educational resource from the Canadian Government about the ocean, through the Ocean Frontier Institute at Dalhousie University and the National Film Board of Canada. Ocean School provides free, media-rich, ocean-based resources in multiple subjects for students in grades 5–12. Created by educators, scientists and storytellers, these interactive learning materials help students understand our influence on the ocean and the ocean’s influence on us.

Available in French
Check out the Resources tab for the French activity sheets and media.
Or check out the French Ocean School page.

Please note: Ocean School activities are not stand-alone lessons (they do not cover all aspects of one topic or subject) but instead supplement learning through dynamic and engaging experiences.

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