About This Lesson
This is the performance task for a unit on photosynthesis. These two questions help students show their understanding of photosynthesis and of modeling cycling of matter and energy. One question is focused on 3-D ocean farming and the cycling of matter and energy through a kelp forest system and the role of photosynthesis. The second question has students explains oxygen levels in a fish kill. Prior to this task, students did a reading on fish kills. (See link below.) This summative assessment allows students to deeply show their understanding of a number of standards. With the support of an accompanying feedback form students revise work before final submissions. One or both questions could be given as an assessment. The rubric covers a number of standards from NGSS, but it is recommended to focus on a couple when grading in order to give more precise and meaningful feedback. Here is a link to the 3-D Ocean Farming Task Google Folderwith all of the resources. These will be updated as the unit develops. The full photosynthesis unit resources are available at rebeccanewburn.com. Teacher resources are at the bottom of the unit page. The 3-D ocean farming piece was inspired by a TED Talk by Bren Smith on vertical ocean farming and by Dan Marquez at Pharmersea.com.