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POW! Multiplying/dividing by 10/100 game
4.4 (7 Reviews)

POW! Multiplying/dividing by 10/100 game


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Subject Math
Grade Level Grades K-5

About This Lesson

PowerPoint multiplying/dividing by 10/100 game (can also be used for "what sum equals...") Each child has to multiply/divide a slide by 10/100 (your discretion). For each one they get right; they get a counter/mark/star/etc. No reward if they get it wrong. Dispersed within the show are POW! slides - if they get a POW! slide they lose all their counters/marks/etc.10 POW slides; 40 different number slides (between 0.01 and 999) 4 slide orders available (select them in Slideshow > set up show)




February 7, 2020
49 KB
7 Reviews
SML Member
July 04, 2016
SML Member
January 30, 2016
Thanks! Great to add to my supply kit of usefulness! I've edited it to include some bonus WOWs to add counters so it's now a POW WOW game. thanks again :)
SML Member
April 17, 2012
This game looks really good. I plan to try it very soon as a wrap up. It looks fun and you can assess if the pupils have understood LO. Thank you.
SML Member
January 17, 2012
A very useful game for allowing children to divide/multiply by 100. The kids are really engaged by the POW game! Thanks for sharing.
SML Member
December 01, 2011