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Shift Failure Unit: How to Learn, Grow and Fail Forward (grades 9-12)


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Grade Level Grades 9-12
Resource Type Lesson Plan

About This Lesson

Shift Failure Overview

Shift Failure is classroom resource and lesson package (5 total lessons) that brings the concept of failure into our classrooms and engages students to learn about how each failure that they encounter presents an opportunity to grow and learn. Students will look at the stories of famous personalities that have encountered failure and reflect on how these individuals used these failures to create growth opportunities that led to great success. They will also participate in a project-based learning activity that will lead them through the identification of an issue to solving the issue, while also learning from the possible failures that occur during the execution of the solution.

This resource includes detailed plans, blackline masters and guides for assessment.

Overview of Lessons

Lesson 1: Growth vs. Fixed Mindset

Lesson 2: Successful People Who Have Failed

Lesson 3: From Failure to Innovation

Lesson 4: Fail Forward Challenge

Lesson 5: The Power of Reflection




Lesson Plan
March 20, 2024
1014.17 KB

_Shift Failure Powerpoint Lesson Package Grades 9-12.pptx

Lesson Plan
March 20, 2024
18.26 MB
Education+Shift25: Learning From Failure to Propel Students Towards Success
Remote video URL
Shift Failure Resource Walk-Through
Remote video URL
How Failure Helped Me as a Teenage Author, Innovator and Speaker.
Remote video URL


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