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How COVID Affected End-Of-Year High School Experiences

June 9, 2020

How COVID Affected End-Of-Year High School Experiences

How has the coronavirus pandemic altered the end-of-year high school experience? Explore this lesson with your students and discuss how high school might be different this fall.


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The High School Experience and COVID

As high school students wrap up a tumultuous end to this school year, many seniors reflect on the new realities of living under a pandemic. PBS NewsHour Student Reporting Labs (SRL) reached out to graduating seniors on how they are grappling with these uncertain times and the future as they prepare to begin for life after high school. Watch the video and answer the discussion questions below. 

  • Some students are pondering whether they should enroll in college or stay home and help their family economically.
  • While students are sad over missed events and sports seasons, they also expressed becoming more politically motivated in order to change the world for the better.

A New High School Experience: Discussion Questions

  1. Essential question: How has the pandemic affected the end-of-year high school experience?
  2. What school events did the students missed out on?
  3. How did your school hold its graduation and prom ceremonies? (For example, check out how this Kentucky high school celebrated their graduation at a drive-in movie theater.)
  4. How have you coped with being at home during quarantine? Have you pursued any passions, hobbies, or established a daily routine?
  5. Media literacy: Learn more about PBS NewsHour Student Reporting Labs (SRL), NewsHour’s youth journalism and virtual storytelling program. How do students learn the video-making skills that you saw in this segment? Would you like to start a lab at your school? Talk to your teacher or principal about applyingor contact SRL yourself with any questions. 

Extension Activity: How Will The High School Experience Be Different in Fall?

Read this NewsHour article on 15 different college scenarios for the fall and ask your students:

  • Which of these scenarios do you find appealing?
  • Are there any other ideas you would add to the list?
  • Can any of these scenarios be implemented for middle and high schools looking to reopen in September? 

PBS NewsHour Classroom
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