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How Nature Helps You Get Outside of Yourself

June 14, 2023

How Nature Helps You Get Outside of Yourself

Ask students: Where are some examples of places near you to visit nature? Why is it good to turn off your phone when you are in nature?


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In this episode of the teen mental health podcast ‘On Our Minds’, hosts Ashley, Tyler and student reporters discuss their personal experiences with being in nature and its benefits.

To listen to the podcast on the On Our Minds site, click here. You can find a transcript here.

Remote video URL

Discussion Questions

  • Who are some of the people in this story that commend going outside and visiting nature?
  • Where are some examples of places near you to visit nature?
  • Why is it good to turn off your phone when you are in nature?
  • What are some specific ways in which spending time in nature can positively impact your mental health?
  • How can we contrast the fears of being outside with the benefits, according to this story?

Focus Questions

What is one thing you can do to increase your time being in nature? Do you think getting out in nature more might benefit you, or is it not that important?

Media literacy: What are some websites you can visit if you are struggling with mental health problems?

Mental Health Awareness

As we navigate the complexities of today's world, it is crucial to prioritize mental health in order to foster resilience, empathy, and emotional intelligence among our children. The resources included in this collection address various topics, such as stress management, self-esteem building, mental health coping mechanisms and professional learning webinars.

Republished with permission from PBS NewsHour Classroom.

PBS NewsHour Classroom
PBS NewsHour Classroom helps teachers and students identify the who, what, where and why-it-matters of the major national and international news stories. The site combines the best of NewsHour's reliable, trustworthy news program with lesson plans developed specifically for... See More

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