Teens Reflect On How Social Media Nearly Ruined Their Friendship
Ask students: Have you found moments where you felt like you needed to step back from social media use? If so, how did the break affect you?
January 16, 2024
Ask students: Have you found moments where you felt like you needed to step back from social media use? If so, how did the break affect you?
The addictive nature of social media doesn't just have parents, lawmakers and advocates worried. Last year, more than half of U.S. teens said it would be difficult to give up social media, including TikTok and YouTube. The latest episode of our Student Reporting Labs series "Moments of Truth" tells the story of one teen who faced this dilemma head-on with Instagram.
For a transcript of this story, click here.
News wrap alternative: Check out recent segments from the NewsHour, and choose the story you’re most interested in watching. You can make a Google doc copy of discussion questions that work for any of the stories here.
How did social media impact Connor's mental health and what steps did he take to address the challenges he faced? Have you found moments where you felt like you needed to step back from social media use? If so, how did the break affect you?
Media literacy: Do you think students should control how much time they use on Social Media?
Alternative: See, Think, Wonder: What did you notice? What did the story make you think? What story would you want to find out more about? Where would you go to learn more?
What students can do: Watch this video and answer the following question — How can young people use social media to create positive change?
Republished with permission from PBS NewsHour Classroom.
As we navigate the complexities of today's world, it is crucial to prioritize mental health in order to foster resilience, empathy, and emotional intelligence among our children. The resources included in this collection address various topics, such as stress management, self-esteem building, mental health coping mechanisms and professional learning webinars.
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