About This Lesson
This math worksheet is all about 5th Grade math Word problems. It has 12 colorful math puzzles and math activities that are apt for children who need FUN practice in 5th Grade math Word problems. It goes from easy to hard to make the concept understandable for kids.
Through these math Ebooks/math worksheets, children will learn through math word problem and work on:- -
Types of triangles classified by angles -
Sum of angles in a triangle -
Property of a triangle -
Addition of multiple digit with carry. -
Drawing a circle using compass -
Volume in 3D shapes -
Subtraction with borrow (upto 9 digits) -
Finding factors -
Division Facts -
Division of large numbers -
Addition of decimals to decimals without carry -
Addition of decimal and whole number -
Fraction word problems -
Division of Fractions -
Multiplication of Fractions -
omponents of Fractions -
Test of divisibility by 2, 5 and 10 -
Reading a pie chart -
Interpreting data
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