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FREE Colorful Printable Geometry Worksheets - Grade 3 & Grade 4
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FREE Colorful Printable Geometry Worksheets - Grade 3 & Grade 4


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Subject MathGeometry
Grade Level Grades 3-5
Resource Type Activity

About This Lesson

These math worksheets are all about 3rd Grade Geometry Worksheets. It has 4 colorful math worksheets and math activities that are apt for children who need FUN practice in 3rd Grade Math Word problems. It goes from easy to hard to make the concept understandable for kids. 

Through these geometry worksheets, children will learn geometry and work on:-

- Lines of symmetry
- Mirror image
- Measuring distance using grids.
- Finding the area of rectilinear shapes using the grid.
- Recognition of Basic Shapes.
- Introduction to Polygons.
- Tiling and Tensalation.

About these worksheets

Dotty Builders
Dotty is an experienced home builder. To make a good home, he first makes a plan. He puts dots at equal distant on the ground. Then he makes the house using only triangular tiles. Help Dotty in drawing a house using just the triangular tiles So that he can earn money. Your child will learn Lines of symmetry & Mirror image.

These everyday objects can be split into mirror halves. Can you draw the perfect line of symmetry for each of these? Your child will learn Lines of symmetry & Mirror image.

City Map Worksheet
The map of the city is needed by development authority to do some repairing of roads and bridges. But it has been ruined by some bad people. Now you have to read the map and answer the questions from this crashed map. So that the authority can do their work. Your child will learn Measuring distance using grids & Find the area of rectilinear shapes using the grid.

The Way Home
Mr. Square and Mrs. Octagon went to the forest for camping. On their return, they forget their way to home. Help them by following the given code. Your child will learn Recognition of Basic Shapes & Introduction to Polygons.

Hope these math worksheets help and let me know if there are any specific needs. Download 1000's of such FREE Geometry worksheets from our collection of math worksheets. Scroll through grades or topics and click to print or download. No payment required.

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February 13, 2020
1.69 MB


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