About This Lesson
Ask, Listen, Learn in partnership with Discovery Education teaches kids what the brain does, what alcohol does to it, and what that does to THEM! But underage drinking is not the only risky behavior that presents itself to kids; they may come across peer pressure in terms of underage cannabis use as well. It’s important to address the risks of underage cannabis use with kids, especially as it becomes legal in some states across the country.
In this activity, students will explore why and how marijuana and alcohol are more harmful for adolescents than for adults. They will then apply what they learn as they create a series of short and engaging video clips that explain the science behind these substances to teach their peers about why they are harmful for young people.
Students will:
- Research and explain marijuana’s effects on the endocannabinoid system.
- Research and explain alcohol’s impact on neurotransmission and brain function.
- Create a video that educates their peers about how marijuana and alcohol affect developing brains and bodies.
Time required:
- 60-75 minutes
Student Materials
- Device with the ability for the teacher to play/project video
- Handout 2: Research Questions
- How Alcohol Affects Your Developing Brain video, to project
- How Marijuana Affects Your Developing Brain video, to project
- Handout 2: Research Questions (one copy per student)
- Handout 3: Video Criteria (one copy per student)
- Devices with video recording abilities (either students' smartphones, school devices, etc.), enough for one-quarter of the class