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Mystery Circuit Challenge - A Simple Circuit Inquiry Activity
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Mystery Circuit Challenge - A Simple Circuit Inquiry Activity


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Grade Level Grades 6-8
Resource Type Activity

About This Lesson

A challenging circuit inquiry activity. Students need to draw a simple circuit based on 7 clues. I.e., If light bulb 1 is unscrewed, bulb 2, 3 and 4 stay on, etc.

Includes an answer key.

It's a great addition to any electricity unit as it can be used to teach circuit diagrams as well as a review at the end of a unit. Can be used in any grade level that teaches electricity.


This activity follows my Electricity Unit directly which can be found HERE

You may also be interested in the following Electricity lessons and activities:

Lessons Include:

Lesson 1 - Electricity

Lesson 2 - Solving Circuit Diagrams

Lesson 3 - Power and Electrical Energy

Lesson 4 - Resistance

Lesson 5 - Electric Circuits Online Lab

Lesson 6 - Electrical Safety in the Home

Lesson 7 - How is electricity produced?

Lesson 8 - Static Electricity

Lesson 9 - Charging by Friction, Contact and Induction

Lesson 10 - Static Electricity Applications


As a special bonus, I want to send you a few more resources that you can use in your classroom tomorrow. Completely free of course and geared towards what you teach.

Please click the link below. 

Click here or copy and paste the link below into your browser.


If you have any questions please feel free to send me an email -



Mystery Circuit.pdf

February 13, 2020
100.93 KB


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