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(Unit)- Hydrology-Multi-grade Unit by: Athaliah Kaikala-Gilbreath, Alison Gryga, Nancy Lumpkin, Ryan Nelson, Shane Scamahorn


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About This Lesson

In this unit, students will explore the essential question: What effects water quality? Students will learn about hydrology and career paths associated with the study of hydrology. The lessons and performance tasks in this unit are aimed toward multiple grade levels and can either be used as individual lessons or as a whole unit. Below are a list of lessons and performance tasks:

  1. Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Career Development Activity-Grade 1 (standards 1.CC1, 1.CC5, 1.W.2, 1. SL.3)
    1. Math Task: Hydrology/Hydrologist Career Awareness (standards 1. CC.1, 1. CC.5)
  2. Aquatic Insects– Grades K-1 (standards W.K.2, W.1.2, L.K.5a, K.CC.4, K.CC.4a, K.CC.4c, 1. CC.2, K.CC.6, 1. CC.6, K.MD.3, 1. MD.1)
    1. Math Task: Hydrology: Aquatic Insects (K.CC.4, K.CC.4a, K.CC.4, K.CC.6, K.MD.3, 1. CC.2, 1. CC.6, 1. MD.1)
  3. Biotic Value – Grades 3-5 (standards 3.OA.3, 3.OA.7, 3. MD.6, 4.OA.1, 4. MD.6, 5. MD.4)
    1. Math Task: Hydrology– Calculating Biotic Value of Water (standards 3.OA.3, 3.OA.7, 3. MD.6, 4.OA.1, 4. MD.6, 5. MD.4)
  4. Erosion- Grades 6-8
  5. Water Filtration-Grades 6-8
    1. Math Task-Interpreting Graphs (standards 6. SP.1, 6. SP.2)
  6. Water Pollution- Grades 5-8
    1. Math Task-Water Temperature Graph (standards 5.MD. 3, 5. MD. 4, 6. SP.3, 6. SP.4)

CTE: Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics Career Cluster…

 ST. 1 Apply engineering skills in a project that requires project management, process control, and quality assurance.

ST. 2 Use technology to acquire, manipulate, analyze and report data

ST.3. Describe and follow safety, health and environmental standards related to science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) workplaces.

ST. 4. Understand the nature and scope of the Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics Career Cluster and the role of STEM in society and the economy.

ST. 5. Demonstrate an understanding of the breadth of career opportunities and means to those opportunities in each of the Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics Career Pathways.

Possible careers: Hydrologist, Marine Biologist, Quality-control scientist etc.



Hydrology multi-grade unit SS (2).pdf

February 13, 2020
34.58 KB


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